Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Evisu No 1 Lot 2000
After months of searching and waiting, I have finally managed to find a pair of Evisu No1, 2000 from Japan.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
My favourite spectacles 泰八郎
泰八郎出生於1942年,故鄉福井縣鯖江市,該處最著名就是眼鏡工業,現時差不多所有出名眼鏡職人都在此設立自家工房,泰八郎19歲開始學習人 手造框,1964年正式自立門戶,一做就四十多年。1986年獲「金子眼鏡株式會社」(Kaneko Optical)主腦金子真也賞識,邀請他加盟,並正式推出「泰八郎謹製」。「泰八郎謹製」堅持製框採用賽璐珞(celluloid)每個細節都會親手製 造,所以月產300副已經是泰八郎老人家極限,更加上不想授徒,他的工房就只有泰八郎和他太太兩人一起工作,若他一但決定退休,「泰八郎謹製」便成絕唱。 所以大多數擁有「泰八郎謹製」的人都會比他的故事,執著和堅持的性格,深深吸引著。
泰 八郎一向甚少推出聯名作品,多年來只與宮下裕貴的Number (N)ine有聯系。Number (N)ine x泰八郎謹製系列,一直都不限定推出。在過去幾年曾推出過三至四款合作版本,宮下貴裕只會選用「黑色」及「玳瑁色」兩種為主色。合作版本主力以大隻方形 框,配合鍋釘位一些點綴為主。早在首次推出單品時,將Number (N)ine的銀製「十字架」放上鏡框兩邊代替鍋釘位置,感覺非常特別,另外早前一款黑方框鏡,只在鏡框橋位(即鼻樑位)加上銀製骷髏頭,當時一出,真叫 大家贊嘆不絕,另外還有一款屬於早期的中古款「橫放式菱型鍋釘」,簡單的設計另人一眼不能看得出就是Number (N)ine x泰八郎的出品。到了現在Number (N)ine x泰八郎謹製就回歸平實,特別的地方只是在正面鍋釘位裝上宮下貴裕手上的 「淚眼心」紋身圖案作賣點,簡單及低調的作品,直至現時還可以在一些潮店內找到。
Friday, 9 July 2010
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Timberland Boat shoe
Boat shoes have accompanied most of my school days. I have wore 5th Avenue, Sperry Top sider, and Timeberland and my favourite is the Timberland.This must be my 4th pair of Timberland. With each lasting an average of 3-4-5 years...these boat shoes are really buillt to last. the only limitation is in its design, which tended to be conservative and has remained the same for along time.on the other hand, its timeless...
Evisu No 1
After two washed, my Evisu No 1 has finally managed to shrink and fit well. The No 1 has a slight rough feel versus the No2. With the relaxed fit, even with the 14.5oz weigh, the wear has been a pleasant one despite the high temperature.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Monday, 28 June 2010
Levis LVC 1937 501
Just bought a pair of Levis LVC 1937 remake with backbuckle. I remember during my secondary school days during the 1980s, Levis jean was so expensive and unreachable...
Levi´s® Vintage Clothing 1937 501 Dry Goods
Style: 1937 Jean Dry Goods 501xx
Color: Indigo
- 12.5oz Red selvage denim - shrink to fit
- Loose fit with plenty of anti-fit in the seat area
- Single - sided Big E red tab
- Made in the USA
- Bore Two Horse leather patch
- Buttonfly
- Hidden rivets on the back pocket
- Crotch rivets, cinch back and belt loops
- Loose fit with plenty of anti-fit in the seat area
- Single - sided Big E red tab
- Made in the USA
- Bore Two Horse leather patch
- Buttonfly
- Hidden rivets on the back pocket
- Crotch rivets, cinch back and belt loops
Saturday, 26 June 2010
More Red wing 9001
My love for the Red wing boots continue with the 9001. Really like the cross over and the colour combination of red plus black.
Friday, 25 June 2010
Dr Martens Desert boots
Just bought a pair of Dr.Martens Chukka boots (or "desert boots" as they're sometimes called) ,ideal for the one who wants a pair of casual, no-frills boots that are easy to wear with jeans or any other casual pants
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Evisu No 1 Lot 2001
Today is Friday, casual wear day and I have just started wearing my Evisu No 1, Lot 2001. The lot 2001 is a loose cut version which is a comfortable and easy to wear denim. With the summer heat and the humidity, the loose fit Evisu (even with its 14.5 oz) is a comfort to wear. Even though it is 14.5 oz, one will not feel it heavy. The Evisu No1 is different from the No2 as the texture of the fabric for Evisu No1 is more undulating. Perhaps its die to the first time wearing after the first wash, the fabric seemed slightly "harder" then the No 2 but I guess it will soften up after a couple wear and it shall also shrink a bit more after another wash..
It took me many months of searching in Hong Kong,internet, Taiwan and Japan and I have finally found it~
Even though its is the Lot 2001,the lose fit version this is the original version which Yamane sanstarted in 1991.
Great Jean I must say! I am currently hunting for the Evisu Lot 2000 No 1.. : )
It took me many months of searching in Hong Kong,internet, Taiwan and Japan and I have finally found it~
Even though its is the Lot 2001,the lose fit version this is the original version which Yamane sanstarted in 1991.
Great Jean I must say! I am currently hunting for the Evisu Lot 2000 No 1.. : )
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Evisu Lot 2000 No 1 (Before wash)
Evisu jeans style is one that’s not too skinny or slim and is the regular fit is for you. This style has a straight leg and can be worn turned-up to show the selvedge hem.
Many will these jeans are dry and starchy, and this is exactly how raw denim comes, well raw/unwashed so it’s a labor of love to soften and make these your own. Once you have worn them in they will become your best pair, comfortable, clean and dark and often with personalized stretch mark.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
My Evisu Lot 2001 No 1 Special Jean
After months of searching, I have finally found the Evisu Lot 2001, No 1 special !
Information from the net, with thanks:
NO.1- 最大的特色就在於布料!採用14 1/2 oz以舊式力織機織成的布及頂級技術,NO.1的布料為了要作出40~50年代的感覺,使用現在稀少的古老力織機,而且沒有使用防縮加工,所以它的布料下水之後會產生很大的凹凸感,會使得你在穿著上更容易摩擦,所以在穿過之後會產生濃淡的色落,NO.1是現在EVISU技術集結的逸品。
NO.2 - 牛仔褲,是採用14.5 oz 的棉布料及頂級技術,以力織機織布及使用特殊染料,在洗滌褲子時跟其它品牌的牛仔褲比較起來較不容易掉色!因此在穿著NO.2時會產生獨特的色落!,有防縮加工,及其它細節的作工的部分也都十分的講究及耐用
NO.3 - 則跟一般牛仔布布料是差不多的! 所以價格也是最低的!
Evisu Lot 2000 No 1
For the real Jean connoisseur, the MAde in Japan No 1 & 2 is a must.
No.0 - I'ts like a evisu prototype denim, seems very rare/limited and is meant to be more irregular and textured than the no1. Really no one knows much about it.
No.1 - 14.5oz. selvedge and made in japan. high quality and is not pre-shrunk (unsanforised), is slightly darker than no.2.
No.2 -14.5oz selvedge and made in japan. high quality but may be not as dark or seen as good quality as No.1 and is preshrunk (sanforised)

Friday, 18 June 2010
操牛: How to season your jeans
Source from the web page:
基本上任何UNWASH/ONE WASH 牛都可以操得,問題係你本身有無恆心,誠意,時間去操,正所謂"操牛無分國界,貴賤",但如果有心操牛,而又負擔到特定0既價錢,本人首選Levi's 501,因為一切從501開始,試0下自己適唔適合操牛,而又算見得0下人...操得靚又有滿足感,就算效果唔好,總算有條501旁0下身,叫做真正著過Levi's
5)甚麼叫shrink to fit??
shrink to fit 即係著住條褲落水浸,條褲會根據使用者身型去縮水,一條屬於自己身型0既牛仔褲就此誕生~
how to do????詳情可以參照esin兄0既精華帖~
如果想睇0下D Sample,可參照各大版友無私0既牛牛snapshot,各師各法!!!
基本上任何UNWASH/ONE WASH 牛都可以操得,問題係你本身有無恆心,誠意,時間去操,正所謂"操牛無分國界,貴賤",但如果有心操牛,而又負擔到特定0既價錢,本人首選Levi's 501,因為一切從501開始,試0下自己適唔適合操牛,而又算見得0下人...操得靚又有滿足感,就算效果唔好,總算有條501旁0下身,叫做真正著過Levi's
5)甚麼叫shrink to fit??
shrink to fit 即係著住條褲落水浸,條褲會根據使用者身型去縮水,一條屬於自己身型0既牛仔褲就此誕生~
how to do????詳情可以參照esin兄0既精華帖~
如果想睇0下D Sample,可參照各大版友無私0既牛牛snapshot,各師各法!!!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Red Wing boot
My Red wing boot to match with my jeans..
木村拓哉在96年日剧《悠长假期》的同款鞋 RED WING 8875 松隆子在《恋爱世纪》也穿同款
REDWING是日剧天王木村拓哉的最爱了!毫不夸张的说是他把美国老牌REDWING带到了亚洲潮人的视线中.他在《悠长假期》中就穿的是REDWING 8875自此掀起了潮人对REDWING的大力推崇.加之他对REDWING的坚持和钟爱,也让这个美国老牌重获新生并一直热到了《恋爱世纪》时候木村又穿了REDWING的8166,《美丽人生》中的REDWING 8160,05年《ENGINE》中穿著百年纪念版1905,直至2007年9月《Hero》电影中仍然穿着的是REDWING最新的9111,
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