Tuesday, 11 December 2012

New Reproduction TART eyeglass

This is how I got interested with the Tart eyewear starting with the reproduction of the vintage 1950s models. Previously, I was not sure if I am able to find NOS Tart (which is why I started with the reproduction first to see if I like to wear them)

For the reproduction of the Tart, there are two TART companies producing: 1.  Raincoat company in Korea (TART OPTICAL) and 2. the TART OPTICAL ENTERPRISES.

Both companies are reproducing the classic models using Celluloid materials. Given the fact that the original Tact optical went out of business in the 1970s,..both companies now claims their rights in the reproduction with TART OPTICAL focusing in KOREA while the TART OPTICA: ENTERPRISES focus the rest...

I have bought the Korean version during my vacation in Korea and I must say that the quality of workmanship is superb as well ...
Another great fan of the Tart eyeglass

So cool....

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